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    A1talents has a technical team with huge technical talent

    in all technological fields and they also have great technical experience.

    It helps you finish your technical projects, whether you want to hire leaders, seniors or beginners in the field of technical development in all the programming languages you want, our recruitment and ITO services provide you with all the technical requirements you want in your tech talent team.



    Qualified team<br />

    Qualified team

    A1talent’s team is technically qualified and with extensive experience in the technical field for the ability to pre-screen candidates according to technical requirements to find the most suitable and skilled technical talents. 


    Flexibility And Agility<br />

    Flexibility And Agility

    Flexibility in contracting with technical candidates according to your needs, whether it is contract work, freelance, or through a short-term contract based on a specific project. 


    Define how you want control

    Define how you want control

    You can choose if you want to control your technical team as they work under the company’s work force in a full way through “Technical recruitment service” Or under our full control and responsibility through “Technical outsourcing service”.


    Reduce time and effort

    Reduce time and effort

    The technical vacancy causes fatigue and waste of time and effort for your recruitment team, which affects their productivity in other tasks, partnering with A1talents can significantly reduce the time and effort to fill a vacant technical position so you do not need to advertise, interview and test employees.


    Free replacement

    Free replacement

    In partnership with A1talents, you are given 3 months trial for the employee, during which you can be provided with a replacement candidate for free. 



    Deal with A1talents and get:

    • Top tech talents.
    • Saving time and effort
    • Affordable costs and increased efficiency.
    • Faster support.
    • Greater flexibility and rapid scalability.
    • Reduce risks.